

Health, Social Care & Early Years

Principles of the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare

This course has been designed to help you understand the purpose and principles of infection control and the procedures, such as risk assessments, as well as how regulations inform policy and practice.

About 300,000 patients develop an infection in England each year while being treated by the NHS. Protecting people from infection is an essential element of providing high-quality care, especially considering the capacity some potentially life-threatening infections have to spread within care environments.

You will gain an understanding of the roles, responsibilities, principles and processes in relation to cleaning, decontamination and waste management, the sterilisation process, and the importance of maintaining a clean environment. In addition, you will also learn practical skills, such as how to safely handle laundry and how to safely handle sharps.

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Capital City College Training

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Capital City College Training

Regent’s Park Centre
Longford Street

020 7391 6400
