

Digital & IT

Video Game Design and Development: Video game Character Design

Discover great video game character design and how to make your own characters
From Lara Croft to Super Mario, video game characters have become part of our cultural lexicon. But what makes a great game character? And how can you create your own?
On this course, you’ll learn how gamers identify with the characters they control and interact with in-game worlds. You’ll explore anatomy, graphic design, narrative and gameplay, to provide you with a broad knowledge and understanding of the field of video game character design.
Ultimately, you’ll discover how studying human nature can help you design characters that gamers will recognise and understand.

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“Loved the course and have definitely learned something new! It was great to find out how games and characters are designed including the important theoretical aspects that are put into practice for this. Definitely motivating to explore further about character design and games.”

Elli C

Contact Details


1-11 Hawley Crescent,
Camden Town,
