

Digital & IT

Learn about Current Digital Workplace Trends

Explore the changing face of technology in the workplace
Why are digital skills so important and which jobs do you need them for?
Tackle some of the big myths surrounding the future of work, and demystify the world of digital technology using up-to-date case studies from people who have recently joined the workforce.
With an ever-changing job market, this course will help you to keep on top of how digital technologies are influencing our work and lives.

As you discover the Fourth Industrial Revolution, you’ll consider the importance of digital skills and reflect on the transferable skills you’ll need for your career to be future-proof.
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“This course was really an eye opener to different workplace trend, covering how data is generated daily in different ways, the various technology of the future workplace, Skills in demand and personal skills that can’t be automated, hence the need to build them. I was really overwhelmed with the information provided in this course at no cost. Thanks to future learn for this opportunity”

Andrew I 

Contact Details


1-11 Hawley Crescent,
Camden Town,
